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Section 1 Foundations of Doctoral Study / Chapter 7 Preparing for Writing

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1) Introduction


a) Context for the paper: The Centers for Disease Control consider suicide a public health concern. It is the third leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 15 and 24, and the second leading cause of death among those ages 24-34. Apart from the cost of suicide in human lives, it results in an estimated $41.2 billion in medical and work-related expenses (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014).


b) Thesis statement: Because of the symptoms related to bipolar disorder, those who suffer from Bipolar I Disorder are increased risk for suicidal ideation and intent. Therefore, a comprehensive treatment plan that includes psychotherapy and medication is essential for those individuals diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.


2) Background Information


a) Key terms defined: suicidal ideation, suicidal intent, risk factors for suicide


b) Diagnostic Criteria of Bipolar I, according to the DSM-V


i) Spectrum of severity for Bipolar: The level of severity influences the risk for suicide


3) Major Point 1: The unique constellation of symptoms in Bipolar disorder cause an increased risk of suicidal ideation


a) Lower lows: Individuals with Bipolar disorder tend to have more intense depressive episodes than individuals with Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar II, or Dysthymic Disorder


b) Higher highs: Individuals with Bipolar disorder experience episodes of mania


i) Describe mania


ii) Describe how manic episodes may lead to a person discontinuing their medications


iii) Noncompliance with medication increases severity of symptoms


c) Biological symptoms and effects of disorder


4) Major Point 2: Psychotherapy is effective for treating Bipolar disorder


a) Who benefits from therapy?


b) What types of therapy are most beneficial for Bipolar? DBT, CBT, group therapy.


c) Present research demonstrating the effectiveness of therapy with Bipolar patients.


5) Major Point 3: Pharmacological treatments are effective in reducing symptom severity


a) What medications have traditionally been used? Lithium, etc.


b) What newer medications have been found to be effective? Present research that demonstrates the effectiveness of medication.


6) Major Point 4: It is the combination of therapy and medication that is most effective in treating bipolar and preventing suicide.


a) Present research that demonstrates this fact.


7) Conclusion


a) Restate thesis


b) Offer concise summary of major points to provide support for thesis


c) Describe any future research questions for this field.