~ Scenarios ~

This section allows students to apply real-world applications to concepts introduced in class, enriching the learning process. It provides students with the opportunity to examine cases related to a variety of topics in Psychology. By exploring and critically examining the scenarios in this section, students will enrich their class experience and be better prepared for future career endeavors.

Case Study: Psychology Internship

Meet Frank.

Frank is a university student. He is currently working as an student intern at a mental health agency. But today, Frank is troubled, as he was asked to go through and file patient charts by his supervisor....


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Case Study: Eating Disorder

Meet Stella…

Stella is a 25-year-old female who strongly identifies with the prevalent dominant culture. Because of this, she loves fashion, style, and clothes. However, since turning 18, Stella has noticed that it is harder and harder for her to lose any weight she puts on...


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Case Study: Stress

Meet Max…

Max is a 26-year-old African American male who works at an auto parts factory. Max works a lot of hours that often include a rotating shift for both evening and weekends. His main job is on an assembly line where he has very little control over the decisions made at the plant concerning his day-to-day workload...


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Case Study: Siblings

Meet Paul and Mary…

Until recently, Paul and Mary had only one child, their son John, who a is 5-year-old boy. But then one day Paul and Mary brought home a newborn baby sister. John initially showed some excitement about having a new baby sister...


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“I think the future of psychotherapy and psychology is in the school system. We need to teach every child how to rarely seriously disturb himself or herself and how to overcome disturbance when it occurs.”

- Albert Ellis -