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Chapter 7 - Practice Exercise 2

W.J. Cromie (2007) writes that “Abuse during childhood can change the structure and function of a brain, and increase the risk of everything from anxiety to suicide” (para. 1). Nearly everyone knows that child abuse is harmful to children and can lead to ill effects later in life. However, the reasons why abuse can lead to depression, anxiety, and suicide are not well known. People often assume it is because of psychological reasons that people who were abused as children suffer later in life. Parents, caregivers, and educators should be aware of the changes abuse can make to the developing brain. Damage to the brain can be caused by physical, sexual, and verbal abuse.

In the above example, do you see that all of the parts work together to make one complete message? Now it is your turn. Practice writing an introduction about a subject that you know a lot about and in which you are interested. Be sure to include all of the elements of an introduction:

  1. The hook
  2. Set the scene
  3. Invite the audience
  4. Author’s message for the audience, or the thesis statement

Your paragraph should be four to six sentences long.