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Chapter 2 - Practice Exercise

Exercise 1:

Use the topic sentence formula to write a topic sentence for each of the following topics/arguments, purposes, and audiences. Please feel free to use your own words in your topic sentences.

  1. Topic/Argument: Stop arguing on Facebook
    Purpose: Avoid losing friends
    Audience: College students
  2. Topic/Argument: Plan road trips carefully
    Purpose: Avoid unexpected problems and have great trips
    Audience: Parents with young children
  3. Topic/Argument: Choose college majors carefully
    Purpose: Find a career that leads to happiness
    Audience: People about to attend a college or university
  4. Topic/Argument: Stay close to God while in college
    Purpose: Continue growing in faith while getting an education
    Audience: Christian college students
Exercise 2:

Now, write a paragraph in which you support one of the topic sentences you wrote in Exercise 1. Remember to include explanations of your evidence, examples, and/or observations.